Where I Saw Jesus This Week…

In general I think New Year’s Eve is very anti-climatic. You get together with people early in the night and then wait and try to have fun until the ball drops. Then you cheer for a few seconds, and kind of look at each other. Most of my New Year’s have been like this. Except for the past two.

The past two years I’ve gotten together with friends and we go from house to house eating. Each person tries to create some food that is better than what they cooked before. We get dressed up have great food, and great conversation. And some people outdo themselves with awesome decorations. Look at this table set for dessert, which was home-made ice cream and a traditional mexican cookie with dulce de leche in the centre. And yes it tasted as good as it sounds…

So how did I see Jesus in all of this? Well its pretty simple eating, laughing, talking, and spending time together is a taste of the Kingdom of God. Jesus is clear in Luke 14, that the Kingdom of God is like a party. In fact when he talks about the Kingdom he often says its like a feast, a wedding, or in essence a great get together. Jesus is often found eating, relaxing, and being with others around a table (Matt. 9:10; Mark 2:15). So if back then Jesus was often found around a mixed table with friends, food, and fun why would he not be found there now?

So on New Year’s I sensed God around a table filled with food and friends. I saw Jesus in our conversation, our fun, and our willingness for one night to simply enjoy each other’s company.

So the next time you’re having a good meal with good friends watch for Jesus being there…because my guess is that Jesus loves good food and conversation as much as you do…

Where I Saw Jesus This Week…

This week I really sensed Jesus in a unique place – at a pastor’s retreat.

This might sound obvious at first glance, but sometimes it’s very easy amongst pastors to talk a lot about God, Jesus, and the church that you miss actually being in the presence of Jesus. This can happen easily in anyone’s life. Where you attend church lots, go to lots of meetings, help out somewhere, but forget that those things aren’t a replacement for a relationship with Jesus – they are the outflowing of it.

So this week I sensed Jesus while out with a few pastors for wings late on Monday night. We ate, shared stories, laughed, and connected. And how did I specifically sense Jesus in all of this? Well I was reminded how often Jesus is seen in the gospels simply connecting with friends around food.

There is something spiritual and spectacular when while eating, drinking, laughing, and sharing…you pause…stop and smile…and realize you are with good friends, cared for, and connecting…and just know that Jesus is with you enjoying the conversation as much as you…